
[Last updated 2024-12-07]

  1. “Dark Sector Searches with Coherent CAPTAIN Mills”, A. Schneider, Invited Colloquium, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, December 2024

  2. “Dark Sector Searches with Coherent CAPTAIN Mills”, A. Schneider, Invited Seminar, University of New Mexico, September 2024

  3. “Dark Sector Searches with Coherent CAPTAIN Mills”, A. Schneider, Invited Seminar, Instituto de Fı́sica Corpuscular, June 2024

  4. “Dark Sector Searches with Coherent CAPTAIN Mills”, A. Schneider, Invited Seminar, SLAC, May 2024

  5. “Here be dragons: Exploring new physics in the dark sector with beam dump experiments”, A. Schneider, Invited Seminar, Harvard, November 2023.

  6. “BSM Searches in Neutrino Physics: From 100 keV to 100 MeV”, A. Schneider,
    Invited session, APS April Meeting 2023.

  7. “From PeV to MeV: Neutrinos across the energy scale,” A. Schneider,
    Colloquium, MIT LNS, October 2022.

  8. “From PeV to MeV: Neutrinos across the energy scale,” A. Schneider,
    Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory P-2. August 2022.

  9. “Potential for 3+1 measurements with DUNE,” A. Schneider,
    Parallel, International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 2021.

  10. “IceCube and the high-energy neutrino landscape,” A. Schneider,
    Seminar. KICP University of Chicago. October 2020.

  11. “Precision measurements of the astrophysical neutrino flux,” A. Schneider,
    Seminar. MIT LNS. September 2020.

  12. “A New Method for Tackling Limited Monte Carlo,” A. Schneider,
    Parallel, Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics. September 2019.

  13. “Characterization of the Astrophysical Diffuse Neutrino Flux with IceCube,” A. Schneider,
    Parallel, Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics. September 2019.

  14. “Characterization of the Astrophysical Diffuse Neutrino Flux with High-Energy Starting Events and Prospects for Future Measurements with IceCube,” A. Schneider,
    Parallel, International Cosmic Ray Conference. July 2019.

  15. “Tackling Limited Monte Carlo,” A. Schneider,
    Seminar. MicroBooNE Fermilab. June 2019.

  16. “Recent Results and Future Prospects from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory,” A. Schneider,
    Seminar. Fermilab. June 2019.

  17. “Recent Results and Future Prospects from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory,” A. Schneider,
    Seminar. SLAC. April 2019.

  18. “Astrophysical Neutrinos: New Results and Challenges,” A. Schneider,
    Seminar. Universitat de Barcelona. September 4th 2018.

  19. “Diffuse Neutrino Measurements With IceCube High-Energy Starting Events,” A. Schneider,
    Parallel, TeV Particle Astrophysics 2018. August 2018.